Checkpoint 156-315 Answers, 100% Pass Checkpoint 156-315 Answers Online
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When an Endpoint user is able to authenticate but receives a message from the client that it is unable to enforce the desktop policy, what is the most likely scenario?
A. The user’s rights prevent access to the protected network.
B. A Desktop Policy is not configured.
C. The gateway could not locate the user in SmartDirectory and is allowing the connection with limitations based on a generic profile.
D. The user is attempting to connect with the wrong Endpoint client.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 89
When using a template to define a SmartDirectory, where should the user’s password be defined? In the:
A. Template object
B. VPN Community object
C. User object
D. LDAP object
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 90
When configuring an LDAP Group object, which option should you select if you do NOT want the gateway to reference the groups defined on the LDAP server for authentication purposes?
A. OU Accept and select appropriate domain
B. Only Sub Tree
C. Only Group in Branch
D. Group Agnostic
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 91
When configuring an LDAP Group object, which option should you select if you want the gateway to reference the groups defined on the LDAP server for authentication purposes?
A. Only Group in Branch
B. Only Sub Tree
C. OU Auth and select Group Name
D. All Account-Unit’s Users
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 92
The process that performs the authentication for SmartDashboard is:
A. fwm
B. vpnd
C. cvpnd
D. cpd Correct Answer: A QUESTION 93
The process that performs the authentication for Remote Access is:
A. cpd
B. vpnd
C. fwm
D. cvpnd
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 94
The process that performs the authentication for SSL VPN Users is:
A. cvpnd
B. cpd
C. fwm
D. vpnd
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 95
The process that performs the authentication for legacy session authentication is:
A. cvpnd
B. fwm
C. vpnd
D. fwssd
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 96
While authorization for users managed by SmartDirectory is performed by the gateway, the authentication is mostly performed by the infrastructure in which of the following?
A. ldapd
B. cpauth
C. cpShared
D. ldapauth
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 97
When troubleshooting user authentication, you may see the following entries in a debug of the user authentication process.
In which order are these messages likely to appear?
A. make_au, au_auth, au_fetchuser, au_auth_auth, cpLdapCheck, cpLdapGetUser
B. cpLdapGetUser, au_fetchuser, cpLdapCheck, make_au, au_auth, au_auth_auth
C. make_au, au_auth, au_fetchuser, cpLdapGetUser, cpLdapCheck, au_auth_auth
D. au_fetchuser, make_au, au_auth, cpLdapGetUser, au_auth_auth, cpLdapCheck
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 98
Which of the following is NOT a ClusterXL mode?
A. Multicast
B. Legacy
C. Broadcast
D. New
Correct Answer: C
In an R75 Cluster, some features such as VPN only function properly when:
A. All cluster members have the same policy
B. All cluster members have the same Hot Fix Accumulator pack installed
C. All cluster members’ clocks are synchronized
D. All cluster members have the same number of interfaces configured
Correct Answer: C
In ClusterXL R75; when configuring a cluster synchronization network on a VLAN interface what is the supported configuration?
A. It is supported on VLAN tag 4095
B. It is supported on VLAN tag 4096
C. It is supported on the lowest VLAN tag of the VLAN interface
D. It is not supported on a VLAN tag
Correct Answer: C
Which process is responsible for delta synchronization in ClusterXL?
A. fw kernel on the security gateway
B. fwd process on the security gateway
C. cpd process on the security gateway
D. Clustering process on the security gateway
Correct Answer: A
Which process is responsible for full synchronization in ClusterXL?
A. fwd on the Security Gateway
B. fw kernel on the Security Gateway
C. Clustering on the Security Gateway
D. cpd on the Security Gateway
Correct Answer: A
Which process is responsible for kernel table information sharing across all cluster members?
A. fwd daemon using an encrypted TCP connection
B. CPHA using an encrypted TCP connection
C. fw kernel using an encrypted TCP connection
D. cpd using an encrypted TCP connection
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 104
By default, a standby Security Management Server is automatically synchronized by an active Security Management Server, when:
A. The user data base is installed.
B. The standby Security Management Server starts for the first time.
C. The Security Policy is installed.
D. The Security Policy is saved.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 105
The ________ Check Point ClusterXL mode must synchronize the physical interface IP and MAC addresses on all clustered interfaces.
A. New Mode HA
B. Pivot Mode Load Sharing
C. Multicast Mode Load Sharing
D. Legacy Mode HA
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 106
__________ is a proprietary Check Point protocol.
It is the basis for Check Point ClusterXL inter- module communication.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 107
After you add new interfaces to a cluster, how can you check if the new interfaces and the associated virtual IP address are recognized by ClusterXL?
A. By running the command cphaprob state on both members
B. By running the command cpconfig on both members
C. By running the command cphaprob -I list on both members
D. By running the command cphaprob -a if on both members
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is a supported Sticky Decision Function of Sticky Connections for Load Sharing?
A. Multi-connection support for VPN-1 cluster members
B. Support for all VPN deployments (except those with third-party VPN peers)
C. Support for SecureClient/SecuRemote/SSL Network Extender encrypted connections
D. Support for Performance Pack acceleration
Correct Answer: C
A connection is said to be Sticky when:
A. The connection information sticks in the connection table even after the connection has ended.
B. A copy of each packet in the connection sticks in the connection table until a corresponding reply packet is received from the other side.
C. A connection is not terminated by either side by FIN or RST packet.
D. All the connection packets are handled, in either direction, by a single cluster member.
Correct Answer: D
How does a cluster member take over the VIP after a failover event?
A. Broadcast storm
B. iflist -renew
C. Ping the sync interface
D. Gratuitous ARP
Correct Answer: D
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