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Identify the command to display the IP routing table?
A. show route
B. show ip route
C. show ip table route
D. show ipx route

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 2
Identify the command to display all the valid commands at the given mode?
A. Help all
B. Help
C. All commands
D. ?
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 3
Identify the keystroke used to terminate the setup mode?
A. Ctrl-K
B. Crtl-C
C. Ctrl-Z
D. Crtl-End

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 4
Identify the command to display the IP host table?
A. show ip hostnames
B. show ip names
C. show hosts
D. show ip hosts

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 5
Identify the command to display the configured IP routing protocols?
A. show protocols
B. show protocols all
C. show routing-protocols
D. show ip protocols


Cisco 640-801 tests containing questions that cover all sides of tested subjects that help our members to be prepared and keep high level of professionalism. The main purpose of Cisco 640-801 exam is to provide high quality test that can secure and verify knowledge, give overview of question types and complexity that can be represented on real exam certification



Correct Answer: D QUESTION 6
Identify the command to configure ALL the default VTY ports?
A. Router(config)# line vty 0 4
B. Router# line vty 0 4
C. Router(config)# line vty
D. Router(config)# line vty 0

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 7
Identify the command to reload the router?
A. Router(config)# reload
B. Router# reset
C. Router# reload
D. Router> reload

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 8
Identify command that configures ‘Cisco1’ as a secret password?
A. Router(config)# enable secret password Cisco1
B. Router(config)# enable secret cisco1
C. Router(config)# enable password Cisco1
D. Router(config)# enable secret Cisco1

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 9
Identify the statement which connects access-list 101 inbound to interface e0?
A. Router(config-if)# ip access-group 101 in
B. Router(config-if)# ip access-group 101
C. Router(config)# ip access-group 101 e0 in
D. Router(config)# ip access-group 101 e0 in

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 10
Identify the command that displays ethernet0/1 interface status?
A. show interface ethernet0/1
B. show interface ethernet e0/1
C. show interface ethernet0.1
D. show ethernet0/1

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 11
Based upon the exhibit, create a static route to on Router A
A. Router# ip route
B. Router(config)# ip static route
C. Router(config)# ip route
D. Router(config)# ip route

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 12
Identify the command that saves the configuration stored in RAM to NVRAM?
A. copy running-config startup-config
B. copy tftp running-config
C. copy startup running
D. copy active to backup

Correct Answer: A

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