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Pass4itsure Latest and Most Accurate Cisco 640-692 Dumps Exam Q&As(11-28)
Refer to the exhibit.
Into which port do you insert the card?
B. Gigabit Ethernet
C. Serial
D. Ethernet
640-692 exam Correct Answer: B
Which layer of the IOS model defines how data is formatted for transmission and how access to the physical media is controlled?
A. Physical
B. Data link
C. Network
D. Transport
Correct Answer: B
Which type if memory is used to permanently store the Cisco IOS software?
A. Flash
640-692 dumps Correct Answer: A
What is the default operating mode you are initially logging into a router?
A. global configuration
B. privileged EXEC
C. ROM monitor
D. user EXEC
Correct Answer: D
Which two of the following are component of WAN connection? (Choose two)
A. router
B. switch
D. Hub
E. Bridge
640-692 pdf Correct Answer: AC
What is the annual carrying cost, stated as a percentage of investment in inventory, that would be used in model?
A. 42%
B. 37%
C. 34%
D. 22%
Correct Answer: A
The annual carrying costs are US $12,750 for the warehouse, US $1,500 for insurance, II and US $2,260 for proper taxes. These costs total US $16,500. In addition, the company desires a12% after- tax return on investments. Because the tax rate is 40%, the 12% after-tax returnequals a 20% before-tax return 12% – 60%). A 20% return on the US $75,000 averageinvestment in inventory is US $15,000. Hence, the total carrying cost is US $31,500 $16,500+ $15,000). This amount is 42% of the US $75,000 investment in inventory.
When the economic order quantity EOQ) decision model is employed, the List A are being offset or balanced
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
640-692 vce Correct Answer: A
The objective of the EOQ model is to find an optimal order quantity that balances carryingand ordering costs. Only variable costs should be considered. The EOQ is the point where theordering cost and carrying cost curves intersect. It corresponds to the minimum point on thetotal inventory cost curve.
The calculation of an economic order quantity EOQ) considers:
A. The purchasing manager’s salary_
B. A corporate charge for advertising expenses.
C. The shipping costs to deliver the product to the customer.
D. Capital costs.
Correct Answer: D
The determination of the economic order quantity balances the variable costs of ordering andcarrying inventory. Factors in the equation include the cost of placing an order, unit carryingcost, and annual demand in units. Carrying costs include storage costs, handling costs,insurance, property takes, obsolescence, and the
opportunity cost of investing capital ininventory. Thus, the return on capital that is forgone when it is invested in inventory shouldbe considered.
A characteristic of the basic economic order quantity EOQ) model is that it:
A. Is relatively insensitive to error.
B. Should not be used when carrying costs are large in relation to procurement costs.
C. Is used when product demand, lead-time, and ordering costs are uncertain.
D. Should not be used in conjunction with computerized perpetual inventory systems.
640-692 exam Correct Answer: A
The basic EOQ model equals the square root of the quotient of 1) the product of twice thedemand times the cost per order, ) divided by the periodic carrying cost. Hence, the model isrelatively insensitive to error. A given percentage error in a value results in a lowerpercentage change in the EOQ.
Companies that adapt just-in-time purchasing systems often experience
A. An increase in carrying costs.
B. A reduction in the number of suppliers.
C. A greater need for inspection of goods as the goods arrive.
D. Less need for linkage with a vendor’s computerized order entry system.
Correct Answer: B
The objective of JIT is to reduce carrying costs by eliminating inventories and increasing thedeliveries made by suppliers. Ideally, shipments of raw materials are received just in time tobe incorporated into the manufacturing process. The focus of quality control under JIT is theprevention of quality problems. Quality’ control is shifted to the supplier. JIT companiestypically do not inspect incoming goods; the assumption is that receipts are of perfect quality. Suppliers are limited to those who guarantee perfect quality and prompt delivery.
A manufacturing company is attempting to implement a just-in-time JIT) purchase policy system by negotiating with its primary suppliers to accept long-term purchase orders which result in more frequent deliveries of smaller quantities of raw materials. If the JIT purchase policy is successful in reducing the total inventory costs of the manufacturing company, which of the following combinations of cost changes would be most likely to occur?
A. Option A
B. Option C
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
F. Option F
640-692 dumps Correct Answer: D
The objective of a JIT system is to reduce carrying costs by eliminating inventories andincreasing the deliveries made by suppliers. Ideally, shipments are received just in time to beincorporated into the manufacturing process. This system increases the risk of stockout costsbecause the inventory buffer is reduced or eliminated. The diagram presented represents theeconomic circler quantity ECQ) model.
Which line segment represents the reorder lead time?
A. AB.
B. AE.
C. AF.
D. BC.
Correct Answer: D
The quantity of inventory on hand is represented by they axis and time by the axis. Thereorder lead time is represented by the line segment BC. The diagram presented representsthe economic circler quantity ECQ) model.
Which line segment identifies the quantity of safety stock maintained?
A. AB.
B. AE.
C. AC.
D. BC.
640-692 pdf Correct Answer: B
Quantities of inventory are shown along they axis. Safety stock is represented by the line AE. The diagram presented represents the economic circler quantity ECQ) model.
Which line segment represents the length of time to consume the total quantity of materials ordered?
A. DE.
B. BC.
C. AC.
D. AE.
Correct Answer: C
Time is shown along the axis. The line segment AC depicts the time to consume an entireorder to reduce the inventory to the safety stock).
The Huron Corporation purchases 60,000 headbands per year. The average purchase lead time is 20 working days, and the maximum lead time is 27 working days. Safety stock equals 1,750 units. The corporation works 240 days per year. Huron should reorder headbands when the quantity in inventory reaches:
A. 5,000 units.
B. 6,750 units.
C. 1,750 units.
D. 5,250 units.
640-692 vce Correct Answer: B
The reorder point is the quantity on hand when an order is placed.Ifithas20-day normal leadtime, a safety stock of 1,750 units, and usage of 250 units per day, an order should be placedwhen 27 days of inventory are on hand, a total of 6,750 units 250 units 27 days). Jed RyersonComputer Furniture, Inc. RCF) manufactures
a line of office computer chairs. The annualdemand for the chairs is estimated to be 5,000 units. The annual cost to hold one unit ininventory is US 10 per year, and the cast to initiate a production run is US $1,000. There areno computer chairs on hand, and RCF has scheduled four equal production runs of computerchairs for the coming year, the first of which is to be run immediately. RCF has 250 businessdays per year, sales occur uniformly throughout the year, and production start-up is withinone day. RCF is considering using the following formula for determining the economic orderquantity EOQ):
If: A = cast to initiate a production run per purchase order D = annual unit demand
K = cost of carrying one unit per year
What is the number of production runs per year of computer chairs that would minimize the sum of carrying and setup costs for the coming year?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
Correct Answer: D
The EOQ minimizes the sum of carrying and setup costs. The EOQ is the amount at whichcarrying costs are equal to setup casts. Thus, plugging the data into the EOQ formula resultsin the following: Thus, if each lot consists of 1,000 units, five production runs per year are needed to meet the5,000-unit demand. At this level, setup costs will total US $5,000 5 x $1,000). Carrying costswill also equal US $5,000 10 per unit carrying cost average inventory of 500 units). Accordingly, total costs are minimized at US $10,000. Jed Ryerson Computer Furniture, Inc. RCF) manufactures a line of office computer chairs. The annual demand for the chairs isestimated to be 5,000 units. The annual cost tic. hold one unit in inventory is US $10 peryear, and the cost to initiate a production run is US $1,000. There are no computer chairs onhand, and RCF has scheduled four equal production runs of computer chairs for the comingyear, the first of which is to be run immediately. RCF has 250 business days per year, salesoccur uniformly throughout the year, and production start-up is within one day. RCF is considering using the following formula for determining the economic order quantity EOQ):
If: A = cast to initiate a production run per purchase order D = annual unit demand
K = cost of carrying one unit per year
If RCF does not maintain a safety stock, the estimated total carrying costs for the computer chairs for the coming year based on their current schedule is:
A. US $4,000
B. US $5,000
C. US $6,250
D. US $12,500
640-692 exam Correct Answer: C
Given four production runs and an annual demand of 5,000 units, each production run mustgenerate 1,250 units. Inventory will total 1,250 units at the completion of each run but willdecline to zero just prior to the next run. Thus, the average inventory is 625 units 1,250 – 2),and the total carrying cost is US $6,250 625 units x $10).
Each stock out of a product sold by Company I-: costs US $1,750 per occurrence. The carrying cost per unit of inventory is US $5 per year, and the company orders 1,500 units of product 24 times a year at a cost of US $100 per order. The probability of a stock out at various levels of safety stock is. What is the optimal safety stock level for the company?
A. 0 units.
B. 100 units.
C. 300 units.
D. 400 units.
Correct Answer: D
The total expected cost of safety stock equals the sum of the expected annual stockout costand the expected annual carrying cost. Annual expected stockout cost equals the cost peroccurrence US $1,750), times the probability of a stockout per cycle, times the number ofcycles 24). Annual expected carrying cost of a safety stock equals the unit carrying cost US$5) times the number of units. Hence, a safety stock of 400 units has the lowest totalexpected cast.
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